1. ASD Study

For Participants:

Are you a participant in one of our studies? Check below for directions, instructions, and forms

Current Research:

Want to learn more about our current research?


Want to Join?

We are always looking for students and children for our studies. Click below for participant opportunities

Learn More...Research.html
Learn More...Recruiting.html

University of California San Diego

Department of Cognitive Science

Cognitive Neuroscience LabHome.htmlshapeimage_7_link_0

We are located on the UCSD campus in Thurgood Marshall college. Follow google map directions to our address, from there walk down the hallway to our lab (red arrow). The door says “205 B Cognitive Science Laboratory”. Make sure to knock loudly when you are here for an experiment. If no one responds, knock again, then email Dr. Pineda at pineda@cogsci.ucsd.edu, or call the lab at (858)-534-9754.

Our address:

Department of 

Cognitive Science 0515

University of California San Diego

9500 Gilman Drive La Jolla, CA 



Click below for forms for the ASD Mirror Neuron study for participating members. Packet includes recruitment material, demographic information form, medication information form, the ATEC, and parent orientation information


Parking is always free on weekends. In lots P903 and P208, parking can be purchased for $1 per hour. In lots P207 and P302 you can park after 4:30 pm in “B” spots with a day permit purchased from P208 or P303. The lots tend to be less crowded in the evening. Also, be aware that from 4-6pm, southbound 5, 805, and 15 are often highly congested.


More informationParticipants_files/ASD%20files%20condensed.pdf